We take great pride in our reputation for quality and our website contains detailed size charts for every single item for your reference.

We are 100% sure that you will love your Lebeautiful purchases. But in the unlikely event you have any issues with your order please email us via 48hrs of receiving your items for eligibility & conditions.

  1. We will provide you with an exchange or store credit for full priced items where:
  • Items are in salable condition, in their original packaging with all tags still intact
  • Items have not been worn, damaged or washed
  • We are notified within 48hrs upon receipt
  • We do not accept returned items that were sent back by you directly without checking with us first.
  • Please do not make returns directly to the address on the package received. Only send to address that our customer service provided.
  • Items are sent back to us within 12 days from the date of approved return from our customer service personal
  • Items are received by us within 14 days from date shipped back to us
  • Under no circumstance product can be returned or exchanged after 45 days or make claims product was not received 
  • Note we only offer exchange or store credit
  • For claims of missing items, you have 12 days to informed our customer service help of this matter.
  • No more than 12 items for one order/purchase can be returned for store credit due to protection of fraud 
  1. As you can understand for sanitary reasons we are unable to return/refund personal products such as, Lingerie, Hosiery, Bodysuits & Swimwear.
  2. If you have received an incorrect or faulty item in your order we sincerely apologize, we have strict quality assurance techniques to ensure this doesn’t happen. If this is the case, simply send images of the incorrect/faulty items to and we will resolve the matter for you urgently.
  • Contact us and return the unwanted item to us for processing.
  • Place a new order.
  • Return shipping fee is paid by buyer.
  1. If you would like to cancel your order you may do so within 24hrs of placing your order, because we are dedicated to getting your orders to you promptly we are unable to cancel the order outside of this time-frame as it may already be on its way to you. We do not accept exchanges or cancellations after your order has been shipped.
  2. Please Note: We do not ship to PO Boxes outside the U.S. and Canada 
  3. Shipping costs are non-refundable or eligible for store credit
  4. International shipments may be subject to import taxes, duties and custom fees, which are levied once your package reaches the country of destination and are the responsibility of the recipient.
  5. Keep in mind any discounted items are ineligible for return or exchange.
  6. For all refunds the following information is needed:
  • Order No.
  • SPU# (optional)
  • Photo of the products you sent back.
  • Relevant tracking information.

If you have any questions or queries please contact our dedicated customer service team via with your inquiry and they will assist you further.